As our OGBC leadership team is carefully and continually monitoring this COVID-19 pandemic as well as the reopening of our nation and commonwealth, this is the place to find the most up-to-date information concerning what's happening at Oak Grove. We will also utilize our social media pages, email, and phone tree systems to forward pertinent details concerning OGBC ministries and services to our members and neighbors. We are committed to doing everything we can to provide a safe environment for our church family and surrounding community and we are excited to now have the blessing of gathering together in-person again!
Since Saturday, March 14, 2020, Oak Grove Baptist Church has not ceased gathering either virtually or in-person via online services, drive-in & outdoor worship opportunities, and most recently, in-person and back inside OGBC facilities. This is a testament to the ingenuity of our leadership team, but more importantly, the faithfulness of our great God! Nearly a year and a half later, much has changed but we are finally beginning to embrace a "new normal." Each Sunday morning starting at 9:30 AM, we are hosting Sunday school GroverGroups classes for all ages, including a fully-staffed nursery for our youngest GroveKidz (for infants and toddlers). We are also worshiping again in our sanctuary at 10:30 AM with very special, Children's Church activities resuming for our pre-school and elementary-aged guests. On Wednesdays at 6 PM, we'd love to invite you to join us for a mid-week prayer and praise service we like to call Wednesday Night LIVE! Even if you are unable or not quite ready to join us for these safe and sanitary worship opportunities, we invite all our members and guests from around the world to tune in for all our video and live streaming services. Find us streaming live on Facebook, and YouTube or you may also find recordings of these video services right here on our website or request DVDs of our worship services by sending us a message here.
It is our desire to research, monitor, and comply with any and all orders from the Chesterfield County Health Department and all our governing authorities, in accordance with Scripture. And this page will be updated on an as-needed basis throughout the duration of this pandemic. At this time, social distancing and masks are still strongly encouraged (but face-coverings are not required in order to attend any OGBC activities). Please use wisdom and discretion and help us to keep our community safe as we remain committed to being #forthe804.
Yes. At this time, our Oak Grove office remains available during regular business hours on weekdays from 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM. If you'd like the opportunity to use OGBC facilities, don't forget to fill out and turn in a request form here.
While we place a high priority on gathering together as the church for worship and other activities, and we want everyone to feel welcome at OGBC, if you are feeling sick, are running a fever, have any symptoms of COVID-19 or have come into contact with a COVID-19 case within the last 14 days, the best way that you can love your neighbor is by staying home (and seeking medical attention, of course)! We encourage you to continue worshiping online with us through streaming our services via Facebook, YouTube, or via our website here, or you may request a DVD copy of any of our weekly worship services and Bible studies.
We encourage everyone to take certain steps to protect themselves and others from the coronavirus, flu, and other illnesses, including:
Washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds;
Using hand sanitizer when soap and water is not available;
Not touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands;
Practice social-distancing as defined by the CDC which constitutes limiting group interactions and maintaining a 3-6 foot perimeter from others in order to reduce the risk of exposure;
Avoiding close contact with people who are sick;
Staying home if you are sick - practice a self-quarantine;
Senior citizens and at-risk individuals (those suffering from certain pre-existing conditions including but not limited to diabetes, heart disease, respiratory illnesses, and auto-immune deficiencies) might be safer at home during this season;
Covering your cough or sneeze;
Disinfecting frequently handled objects and surfaces regularly;
Wearing cloth face-masks covering your nose and mouth whenever you need to be in public places;
Talking with your doctor about the potential risks and benefits of available COVID-19 vaccines
OGBC is taking extra cleaning precautions at this time. This includes:
Wiping down all common area touchpoints (e.g., doors, light switches, countertops, etc.) throughout the week with an EPA certified disinfectant.
Maintaining hand sanitizers in common areas throughout the buildings (when available).
Performing added in-depth cleaning of our facilities on a regular basis.
Weather-permitting, main entrance doors will remain propped open during indoor services and activities or ushers and greeters will strive to hold doors open for people in order to limit the spread of viruses/bacteria on public surfaces (as activities are permitted to resume)
Our kitchen team will continue to utilize good hand-washing hygiene and common directives for wearing gloves when handling food that will be shared with others. Coffee and snack stations have been reopened for self-service, however, we would ask that participants wear the provided disposable gloves and practice social-distancing.
Alternate means of receiving the offering (without passing the plate from person-to-person) will be maintained, including secure offering boxes in our sanctuary & at the main office, online giving & text-to-give options. Mail-in offering envelopes will remain available, and other in-person giving opportunities will also be made available during our weekly worship services (offering plates placed at the front and sides of the sanctuary)
In all of our GroveKids' areas we will be practicing regularly sterilizing various surfaces & toys used by our children. We will continue to follow standard health protocols, not admitting any child with an elevated temperature (above 99.6 F). A child must also be fever-free for 24 hours before coming to Sunday school classes and/or infant & toddler nurseries. You can help us by closely monitoring your children for any symptoms and being understanding if we feel we cannot accept your kids into our programs due to health concerns.
During our worship gatherings, we will continue using a safer way to serve communion with pre-packaged elements that may be picked up before services in order to avoid the greater potential for transmission of illnesses via commonly-touched communion platters.
We will also continue to baptize people in pools filled with sanitized water.
In addition, our meet & greet times will be suspended indefinitely, therefore we encourage everyone to take commonsense precautions and consider creative interactions (like elbow bumping, air-hugs, traditional bowing, etc. instead of hand-shaking or hugs).
Coronavirus is a type of virus that causes respiratory illness — an infection of the airways and lungs. COVID-19 is a new strain of coronavirus. It is part of the same family of coronaviruses that includes the common cold and SARS/MERS. The coronavirus outbreak was first identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Since then, the virus has spread to other countries and is currently classified as a pandemic, however the CDC does report the illness as generally mild with only a chance of serious complications.
The most common early symptoms appear between 2 and 14 days after infection. Symptoms can be mild to severe. They include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes, or otherwise compromised immune systems are more likely to develop serious illness. Although most people recover from the disease without needing special treatment or hospitalization, if you are experiencing a fever, cough and/or difficulty breathing, please seek medical attention immediately!
Like many other viruses, the coronavirus (COVID-19) seems to spread from person-to-person through droplets from a cough, sneeze, or kiss. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that the risk in the U.S. is still low. They will update this status regularly on the CDC website. You can also find more information from the World Health Organization.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) is yet one more reminder that we live in a fallen world of sickness, sin, suffering, and death. Ultimately, none of us are immune to any of these things. But that’s why the gospel is such good news. God has not left us alone in this broken world; He has come to us in the person of Jesus. The greatest news in all the world is that Jesus lived a sinless life, died on a cross to pay the price for our transgressions, and rose from the grave in victory over sin and death. Now anyone anywhere who turns from their sin and trusts in Jesus will be forgiven of all their sin and restored to relationship with God forever. That means that through Jesus, we never have to fear sickness or death because we know we have eternal life with God. In fact, Scripture teaches that Christians have not been given a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love, and sound judgment (2 Timothy 1:7), therefore, let us pursue and live according to these three rather than succumbing to our own anxieties and the panic that has become so commonplace in our society.
If you do not know that you have eternal life with God, we urge you to put your faith in Jesus. If you need prayer or would like someone to share more with you about salvation or what God's Word has to say about times like these, please contact our church office at 804-275-7807, message us on our social media pages or via email at info@oakgrovebc.net. You may also contact Pastor Jon Morton directly at 540-498-3333 or email him at pastorjon@oakgrovebc.net.
If you DO know that you have eternal life with God, we urge you to share your faith in Jesus with others. Times like these remind us all of the fragility of life and the inevitability of death. So let’s spread the greatest news that death has been defeated and eternal life is available to all who trust in Jesus. In addition to trusting in Jesus and sharing about Jesus with others, here’s some other ways you can respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19):
Trust in God as the good and sovereign Creator and Sustainer of life upon whom we all depend. In days like these, it's easy to lose faith and live in fear of the unknown and the steady stream of headlines. But our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, is indeed on His throne and in control.
Pray for mercy for the sick, strength for doctors, insight for researchers, and wisdom for officials.
Look for opportunities to love and care for others, whether they are sick, isolated, marginalized, poor, or oppressed. And please pass along the needs of our members or neighbors as you hear about them so that our staff and deacon teams can also share the love of Jesus and minister well in our church and community.
Avoid every semblance of prejudice or racism. In light of the origination of this virus in Asia, it has been grievous to see a rise in racist incidents against the Asian community. There are many Asian-American members of our community that may feel targeted by xenophobia, but it is our fervent desire that every Asian-American (as well as Asians around the world) to feel and know the love of Christ. So just as we do in any circumstance, guard against all prejudice or racism in your thoughts, your words, and your actions. As we have been reminded by James, we must NOT show partiality or discriminate against anyone as we hold our faith in Jesus (James 2:1-13).
Even in the event that we are unable to gather corporately for worship, stay closely connected to this church family. Gather with smaller groups as appropriate, and participate in worship gatherings online if that’s the only option. Please be sure that we have up-to-date contact information for you and your family so that you do not miss any updates and we will do everything we can to ensure that our church family stays in-the-know.
Continue to faithfully and generously give financial offerings online (click here) or by mail or even via text-messaging (Just text "OAKGROVEBC" to 73256) so that the ministry of our church thrives all the more in the midst of difficult days and trying seasons.
And remember, that life is not about us...It's ALL about Jesus!