"At Oak Grove, our mission is to partner with families in nurturing children to become all that God desires them to be. We aspire to guide them in knowing, loving, and serving Jesus Christ.
We achieve this by creatively and faithfully communicating the truth of God's Word throughout all our kids' ministry programs.
Our ultimate goal is to glorify God in everything we do, inspiring the next generation to live out their faith with passion and purpose."

"At OGBC GroveKids, we offer a vibrant children's ministry during Sunday school for kids from birth through grade 5, as well as during our main service for children aged birth to 4 years old.
Our ministry leaders and volunteers are carefully screened, trained, and deeply dedicated to raising a generation of children who glorify God.
We strive to make Oak Grove an exciting place for children to grow, learn, and have a blast! Recognizing that children are active learners, we provide a variety of engaging opportunities, including videos, games, hands-on activities, crafts, music, and more. In our nurturing and interactive environment, every child is welcomed and loved.
We are committed to creating a family-friendly atmosphere where everyone can experience the love and grace of God together."
GroveKids Ministry Opportunities:
On Sunday Mornings...
Sunday School 9:15 AM
Family Integrated Services with Children's Church twice a month
(child-care provided for children ages birth-4) 10:30 AM
On Wednesday Evenings...
Children may begin arriving for class 10 minutes before the start of each worship service or ministry program.
Upon initial registration, parents or guardians will be asked to provide basic contact information including allergies/special needs, etc.
If a GroveKidz volunteer or OGBC staff member needs to contact you while your child is with us on-campus, you'll be notified via mobile text or call.
We maintain a "two-person" classroom policy whereby at least two volunteers will be in each classroom with students at all times.
The children in our care are always accompanied to the door of the restroom by one of our adult volunteers, who will then wait in the adjacent hallway to escort them back to their classroom
For the safety and health of our staff & participants, as well as to prevent the spread of infection, please refrain from bringing sick/potentially ill children to church events. Thanks.

Nursery (Birth-2 Years)
Location: Nursery on the main-level, Room 213-215
"You knit me together in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13
Our trained and loving ministry workers are here to meet the needs of your precious little ones while you enjoy our worship services and Bible study opportunities. We strive to create a comfortable, soothing, safe and interactive space for our volunteers to sing, play, and pray with babies as an expression of God's love towards them, always keeping in mind a parents' special requests and concerns.
What should parents bring with their child?
***(Please ensure that all your belongings are clearly labeled with your child's name)
A few disposable diapers
Pacifier or other security items (blanket, etc.)
Complete change of clothes (just in case)
Healthy snacks from home
Bottles or baby food as needed

Toddler Nursery (2-4 Years)
Location: Toddler Area on the main-level, Room 211
"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6
Even our youngest GroveKidz, can learn about following Jesus in a fun and creative way - what a pleasure it is for Oak Grove Baptist Church to partner with you as your children take their first steps toward a relationship with their loving Creator. Music, games, art, and simple Bible lessons are a few of the elements you will find as part of our ministry programming for toddlers. ​
What should parents bring with their child?
***(Please ensure that all your belongings are clearly labeled with your child's name)
A few disposable diapers
Pacifier or other security items (blanket, etc.)
Complete change of clothes (just in case)
Healthy snacks from home
Meal for child (on an as-needed basis)

Children's Summer Camp
Camp Red Arrow through Children's Bible Ministries is an exciting time of building friendships, making memories, and growing spiritually and socially for ages 8-12. Daily activities include Bible study, chapel, missionary time, swimming, games, crafts, archery, fishing, boating, low ropes, game room and more!
CRA is located near the Blue Ridge Mountains and about an hour southwest of Washington D.C. It’s a great place to gather around a campfire, jump into the pool, play a game, and develop new friendships.
Vacation Bible School
(Summer of 2024)
Don't forget to mark your calendars to join us for VBS at Oak Grove Baptist Church this summer 2024! This is always summer's best week for GroveKidz and the event you absolutely won't want to miss. Travel outside of this world to the skies and beyond. We are thrilled to offer VBS for preschoolers through children who have completed Grade 5.

Parent & Child Dedication Services
We believe that our kids are a blessing from God - gifts from His very hands. Parent-Child dedications are celebratory ceremonies of public declaration we host throughout the year at OGBC signifying the partnership between the church and the home to disciple children as forever-followers of Jesus.